More Women Are Trying Cannabis for Menopausal Symptoms

For women going through menopause, the hormonal changes that come with this time in their lives can be more than just uncomfortable. They can cause hot flashes and night sweats and contribute to mood swings, anxiety, depression, insomnia, sleep disturbances, and even make menopause symptoms worse.

What is Menopausal?

The word menopausal comes from the Greek words for “change of life” and “waxing.” Menopause is the transition that women go through as they start to lose their periods. It is a natural process that women go through when they become no longer fertile. It is marked by a lack of menstruation, as well as the cessation of reproductive hormone production. When a woman’s menstruation stops, she enters a phase of transition known as amenorrhea. A woman enters menopause, or post-menopause when her ovaries stop producing hormones.

Menopausal symptoms may be some of the most frustrating symptoms of menopause. Millions of women experience unpleasant, debilitating signs as they approach menopause: hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Women may experience these symptoms for years, so discovering a natural remedy can make a world of difference. While these symptoms can interfere with a woman’s quality of life, there are ways to manage them. Luckily, science is now showing that cannabis may be one such remedy, which can be procured from a detroit dispensary or any other similar brick-and-mortar store. Needless to say, online shopping options are also available. Hence, those interested to source the products from the comfort of their home can also do that without any hassle.

So, Why Is it That More Women Are Trying Cannabis for Menopausal Symptoms?

With cannabis products like wax (which, by the way, can be sourced from D8 Super Store), oils, and gummies becoming increasingly popular for chronic pain management, anxiety, depression, and other health issues, women are seeking out cannabis as a treatment method for various health concerns. According to recent research, cannabis is making its way into menopause.

One of cannabis’ greatest benefits is its versatility. When it comes to treating menopausal symptoms, many women are turning to cannabis-based products similar to those available at cheap weed, instead of using prescription drugs that often come with potentially dangerous side effects. According to one study, the number of women suffering from menopausal symptoms and using cannabis as a relief has nearly doubled since 2013.

While these symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable, women are often told to “just live with it.” However, not every woman takes this advice. More and more women are taking the advice and seeking treatment options, including cannabis, to cope with such symptoms.

How does Cannabis Help Women with Menstrual Symptoms?

Women suffering from menopausal symptoms have found relief from cannabis. The chemical compounds in cannabis, called phytocannabinoids, can be used to treat estrogen deficiency in women. The phytocannabinoids bind to receptors on cells, which are similar in many ways to the human estrogen receptor. Phytocannabinoids are thought to have specific effects on the brain and nervous system. Scientists have found evidence that phytocannabinoids are involved in serotonin production. Scientific findings have shown that phytocannabinoids may act as an antidepressant, affecting serotonin levels.

Often, women turn to cannabis for help coping with the unpredictable nature of menopause. Maybe, also because sourcing it has become more convenient these days with the availability of cannabis dispensaries, both offline and online (such as this bangor dispensary, for instance). While more research is needed, cannabis has been shown to alleviate symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Some women may also use cannabis to help with such symptoms.

Many menopausal women have recently turned to medical cannabis to alleviate menopausal symptoms. The benefits of cannabis for menopausal women are undisputed. Medical cannabis also can be legally used to treat other menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, depression, and anxiety.